Tuesday, November 8, 2011


     It’s all about the choosing, whatever it is. Habits are such easy things to take up and so deceitful to recognize. They are often very much confused with what actually is and, therefore, easily mistaken for what must be. In truth, we can choose all of it – how we are in this world. (That's ling - Ling is drawn as rain that falls from the heavens into three mouths of three shamanesses who are dancing between heaven and earth praying for rain. It means marvelous, divine, mysterious, spiritual and ingenious.)

     I can’t lose weight because . . . I can’t stop smoking because . . .

Michael J. Fox talks about his Parkinson’s as his gift. He says it’s a real pain, literally, but it reminds him each and every day to be very much alive. “Live to learn,” he says.


How does use beget habit in a man. - Shakespeare

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