Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It Might Be Personal

     I treat a patient like we were in the middle of an operating theater with hundreds of people watching and use the draping material accordingly. Maybe it’s because I’m male and lots of my patients are not, so I take care to maintain and respect their dignity, their space, with no surprises. Particulars? Yes, I have some. I treat points on the Conception Vessel meridian, it’s a line that runs down the front of our trunks, from chin through belly button to public bone.
     There are points on the CV which are located on the lower abdomen which border the public bone, or points on the Kidney meridian located on the upper chest, all of which need to be approached with reverence. The CV points have to do with digestive disorders, with fertility issues, with menopausal matters, and so much more. The Kidney points also have lots of uses in treatment, so these are just a few of the areas where having a body can be kind of personal.
     There are times where I’ll ask a patient to push down the waistband of their garb so I can access to the lower CV line and it’s a mark of a rookie practitioner to ask the patient “to pull their pants down”. It’s illustrative of the both the delicacy and power of language, something I feel about strongly.
     (I didn't get the picture I wanted!)


How you choose to respond to each moment to the movie of life determines how you see the next frame, and the next, and eventually how you feel when the movie ends. - Doc Childre

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