Monday, April 12, 2010

Stroked by God

There's a great film about Ram Dass after he had a stroke, which is where the title comes from. As I recall, it shows him making remarkable progress and recovery while receiving acupuncture treatment.

Well, this month is the one year anniversary of a similar event in my life. I suffered a circulation-based event, resulting in paralysis and difficulty speaking on a Wednesday morning in April. After five glorious days in the hospital, the medical staff was still unsure of what happened (it didn't have the phenomena associated with a stroke), but they said to be sure and come back if it happened again. After another three weeks, I started the walking program and weight loss regime. So far, I've lost about 35 lbs and walk several thousand steps each day. What a deal!

6,500 steps/ 160 lbs

When you blame others, you give up your power to change. - Dr. Robert Anthony

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